Danang Air Service

Free wi-fi and security cameras to cover Halong Bay Vietnam

Quang Ninh Province has started installing free wi-fi coverage and security cameras around its popular Ha Long Bay.

Security cameras will broadcast live images from 17 places around the bay to the mainland, 24/7.

Wi-fi will also be accessible from these 17 locations spread out across the bay, which is one of Vietnam’s most popular tourist destinations for both locals and foreigners.

The connection, which is already available at Thien Dung and Dau Go caves and Titop Island, will keep tourists updated on news and entertainment in the town, officials said.

Overnight cruise ships will also have free wi-fi soon, they said.

Ha Long Bay is a UNESCO natural heritage site, and was visited by around 3.5 million foreigners last year.

Source: vnexpress

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